No Limits (No Shame #2) by Nora Phoenix

You get a rough idea from the blurb on a book as to whether you think you'll like it or not. I went in to this one thinking that it sounded pretty good. I honestly had no idea just what a great series it was going to be. The first book was amazing but this one was just perfect in every way.
The author takes us on a journey from a duo, albeit a slightly odd one from most perspectives, to a trio that kind of works, to a foursome that is never going to work unless all four men sort through their issues. This book is all about those issues and they were all dealt with in the best way possible.
PTSD, disability, family problems and a downright fear of the past have nowhere to hide from this author and watching these four men deal with it all is just captivating.
Can Josh and Noah give up each other to save their future relationships?
Could Connor watch his man sleep with another, even if it is just to help his best friend?
Will Indy ever feel safe in the open to live his life as a man again and ultimately be enough for Noah?
All I can say is please pick up this series, you won't be disappointed....
5 out of 5 stars.
Sue x