Someone to Hear Me by T. A. Mckay

Sometimes you can't hide from your past no matter how far you run.
Ares had survived a brutal relationship, he's not sure how and it had cost him too much to comprehend but he was trying.
I have known people in abusive relationships and this book hit hard, it didn't hold back anything and was very sympathetically written.
Not every aspect of abuse is the same but this book worked on many levels.
The fear, the pain, the overwhelming helplessness of the situation. Then hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel, sadly not for everyone though...
When Kohan learns of Ares past, he treads carefully and realises that he needs to avoid triggers. The friendship that develops in to more was the perfect way for this book to progress and I loved it.
Sometimes bits were hard to read but I think that proves just how well written it was.
At the end of it all, the overriding message here is that if you love someone, you fight for them. Any form of abuse, is never love, no matter what the abuser says.
5 out of 5 stars.
Sue x