Vampire Claus by Robert Winter

I do love a good vampire story, throw in the christmas theme and this one is a winner in every way.
A bit if christmas magic can warm even the coldest heart....
A two hundred year old vampire, drifting from place to place, and a down on his luck, charitable loner aren't exactly what you would call a match made in Heaven but then you never know where you will find the one you love.
Paul lives in a run down apartment, devoting his life to helping young kids who have nothing, all he wants is to give them a little piece of happiness at christmas.
Taviano has spent his eternity roaming, never having managed to capture the man of his dreams in life, maybe in his afterlife there is hope.
For some reason the beast inside draws him to Paul, revelations as their friendship becomes more leads him to believe that this man is who he has spent his lonely existence waiting for...
A beautiful story that spans the centuries and fills even the unbeating hearts with love.
4.5 stars out of 5.
Sue x