Without a Compass by Helen Juliet

Riley had never really fit in anywhere, it wasn't his fault or anyone elses but he always seemed to be on the outside.
Young, gay and slightly flamboyant, he knew who he was and was proud of it.
On a dreaded camping trip with his family he not only comes face to face with a demon from his past but also a man he has dreamed of forever.
Kai has always been welcome on his best friends family scout trips. Newly single, he is looking forward to some time away, what he doesn't expect is to have his whole perspective on things turned upside down by his friends, now grown up little brother.
Two men, totally opposite in looks and life who are drawn together, finally find where they fit....
This is a heartwarming, very sweet and sexy read and I found myself unable to put it down.
5 out of 5 stars.
Sue x