Happy Endings (Cozzi Cove #5) by Joe Cosentino

So from the title, as you can guess, this is the last in the Cozzi Cove series. I'm not happy and like all good holiday resorts I want to keep going back....
I have loved every single word written in this series, every character, every couple and each and every story that goes with them.
From the very first book I knew this was going to be a place I would fall in love with and the world that the author has created is just wonderful.
Set in Cozzi Cove, the resort is a very special place. Most who check in for the summer find love, the same kind of love that the man who owns it has for his husband.
Cal has run Cozzi Cove for years, it was built by his great grandfather and his family have always owned it. Losing his first husband was a blow he never thought he would survive but with the friends from the Cove he made it and found love again. The books follow his story with Michael, the ups and downs aren't nearly as explosive as the way they met and that isn't a bad thing.
Throughout the whole series the running theme is love and each page is packed full of it.
The stories are all imaginative and unlike some longer series, it never gets repetitive, there is a new twist for every character. Well written, well thought out and the only complaint you will get from me is that it's over.
I know that one day I'll revisit the Cove and that all of the residents will be there waiting to welcome me back...
5 out of 5 stars.
Sue x