And all shall fade to Layla Dorine

Just wow! This book was so good....
It just goes to show that appearances can be deceptive. You would think that the tatted up man with the temper would be the more dominant character but not in this book!
A broken man with a sad story, all Jax wants is to leave his past and the little fat boy he once was behind. Sometimes though those feelings of being hated as a child don't go away just because you look different on the outside now.
Living with those insecurities is obviously something that some people can never overcome and morph in to all sorts of disorders.
While Jax is dealing with those, Danny is facing his own demons in the form of an abusive boyfriend.
Getting rid of him isn't so easy but the one thing Jax is good at is protecting others.
When he and Danny start to look to each other for comfort, it's an unlikely but perfect pairing.
This book was so sad to read at times but ultimately had a feel good ending that I loved.
5 out of 5 stars.
Sue x